Get Home With Charts Done

Get your charting done at work EVERY DAY


with the charting program designed for busy physicians & APPs



Spend less time charting

and more time


Hear Dr. DeWilde's transformation with Charting Conquered


Physicians & APPs like you are burning out and leaving medicine. Every single day. 




You’re overwhelmed and exhausted. You’re being worn down. In crisis mode. All the time.


The joy you once had for medicine has been eroded away.

Click by click.

Checkbox by checkbox.

Form by form.  


Worse still, your charting spills over into the time you’re not at work.


You have no time to take care of yourself, be present for your family, or do the things you once enjoyed. This is why you’re burning out.


I know what you're dealing with, and it doesn't have to be this way.



- going home with all your work done

- vacationing without your work laptop...and relaxing

- not needing to stay up late or wake up early to catch up on charting

- saying bye-bye to your charting backlog

- no longer feeling overwhelmed and inadequate by the amount of work you have hanging over your head

- enjoying medicine more because the clerical burdens feel lighter


It is possible.


I'm here to be your guide to show you how to get your charting done every day. 

(Yep, even on the day that your medical assistant calls out sick.)


Join me and over 300 of your colleagues who are now finishing their work before going home.



Your Colleagues' Successes

P. N., MD

"I am a transplant nephrologist who struggled with charting, often staying in clinic until 9-10pm to finish the day's work.

I attended Junaid’s charting session yesterday and implemented some of his strategies today in clinic.

For the first time ever, I finished all of my notes in clinic before going home at 5:30pm! Thank you for that valuable session!"


Justin Yee, MD

"You won’t regret it. You can’t put a price on leaving work at work and being present for family.

Actually being able to leave my computer at work has been great. I’m not having to think about work when I'm at home."


Sohini M, MD

"I have struggled for years with completing my charts in a timely manner. 

This course has helped me immensely to develop a plan to get my charts done quickly. I can say that at the end of most days, I am nearly or completely done with my charts, and I have time to spend with my family.

I recommend this course to any physician struggling with completing their charts. I only wish I had taken it 10 years ago!"

Endless possibilities begin with more time.


With the Charting Conquered Blueprint, success takes many forms. When you create space between work & home, your whole world can change.

Finish Your Notes

Become a badass at charting, close your charts after each patient, and go home unburdened.

Get to Inbox Zero

Even in 2024, it's possible to tame your inbasket by reframing your approach and using  proven strategies.

Free Up Your Time

Reclaim your time for yourself, your relationships, your hobbies—whatever you choose.


Charting Conquered Blueprint 
for Busy Physicians and APPs


Get today’s charting done. Today. Before you go home.


Charting Conquered Blueprint is a course that delivers a proven system to get your charting done before 5:30pm every day.


Watch Dr. Junaid Niazi in the video below explain more about Charting Conquered Blueprint.


"Where was Charting Conquered 25 years ago!?"



"I was so desperate for help and the cost appeared so high that I didn’t immediately buy the program.

But all the testimonials told me it would work and the money back guarantee helped me try it.

I’ve increased my FTE status from 0.6 to 0.7.

And in the Fall I may go up to 0.8 since I’m spending less time at home working!

I made up cost of the program quickly.

The “forever” benefits will be rewarding me the rest of my career!!

Where was CHARTING CONQUERED 25 years ago!?

My family life could have been so much better!!

- Sheryl Fergusson, DO

Charting Conquered Blueprint Will Help You:


  • Finish charting at work
  • Develop a framework for identifying and evaluating bottlenecks in your workflows
  • Implement efficient processes and build systems to tackle inboxes and paperwork
  • Overcome overwhelm and actually start to love being a doctor again
  • Go home to your family in peace without worrying about charting looming over you
  • Create more time to focus on your relationships, exercising, and eating healthily
  • Discover the freedom to pursue the things you love, like hobbies and side gigs
  • Get paid sooner by completing charts same day
  • Make more money if you choose to see more patients with the time saved
  • Enjoy your vacations and time off so you can relax and recuperate from work
  • Stop burning out and wishing you never went into medicine
  • Rekindle your love for medicine by allowing you to focus more on your patients

Client Wins

Here's The Breakdown 

Six Core Modules For Your Success


Meet Your Coach

Dr. Junaid Niazi

As a primary care physician, I've experienced & witnessed too many physicians & APPs who are overwhelmed because of charting & administrative burdens.

In fact, when I first started working, I struggled to imagine how starting a family would even be possible when charting was all-consuming.

So I got intentional.

Over time I built systems that worked well for me and got me home shortly after I saw my last patient with all my work done.

Now I don’t have to think about work when I’m at home.

But it took me years to get to that point.

Then I discovered coaching and mindset work, and understood this was the piece I was missing from the beginning.

That's why I trained and certified as a life coach so that I could couple the efficiencies I built with models of thinking that drive success.

Now as a physician coach, I want every physician and APP to not have to think about work when they're at home.

Combining both the strategy with the mindset allows them to succeed far faster than I did.

It's my greatest joy to watch my members transform—not just in gaining back their most valuable resource, time, but in rediscovering their love for medicine.

This program exists so that no physician or APP leaves medicine because of charting & administrative burdens.


Happy Members


We've helped over 370 physicians & APPs just like you. We love celebrating their wins as they take back control of their time.


"Worth every penny!"

"I was spending time on weekends, late evenings into wee hours catching up on charts, weeks and weeks behind. I gave up hobbies and exercising, and became very dissatisfied, bitter, and burnt-out from the workload that never goes away.

I was miserable because of never-ending charting, and this course targets PRECISELY this problem that I have been unsuccessfully trying to overcome for so many years.

Dr. Niazi shares practical insights that no one had ever given me in my long years of training and early days of practice.

You WILL come out of it with ideas and strategies that will improve your ability to chart efficiently. The benefit will far outweigh the cost: getting your life back and enjoyment of your work are worth every penny."


- Devi Banerjee, MD (Allergy & Immunology)

"Changing my negative thoughts made all the difference"

"I was spending many, many hours at home charting due to a large backlog of unfinished charts.

It completely destroyed my life–or at least it felt that way. I had been in this pattern for years, so obviously wasn’t able to change it myself.

I joined Charting Conquered because I worked with Junaid and other coaches previously in a different physician coaching program, so I knew the power of coaching.

Changing my negative thoughts made all the difference. I stopped telling myself I was stuck in a hole that I can’t get out of.

For the past few weeks, I have finished all of my notes…and kept up with messages and test results!"


- Michelle Bush, MD (Dermatology)

"You have nothing to lose and only your time to gain!"

"Before the program, I had no time for relaxation, seeing friends, or getting involved in the community. I had endless charting and was staying up too late to get them done.
I was not comfortable being coached online in front of others. The format of the calls allowed me to participate to my comfort level.

I’m now completing my charts right after I see the patient most of the time!

If you’re considering the program, go for it! You have nothing to lose and only your time to gain!

Keep up the good work, you are definitely helping doctors everywhere!"


- Donna Wagstaff, MD, Family Medicine

"A no-brainer. Absolutely worth it!"


"It was always in the back of my mind that I was behind on my charts and it was affecting my ability to be present in other areas of my life.

I had read Junaid’s blog and had heard about coaching on some podcasts, so I thought it was worth a try and joined Charting Conquered. Being able to use CME funds to buy the program made it a no-brainer.

The modules are not overly time-consuming so it doesn’t seem too big of a time commitment.


The coaching calls are awesome! If you aren’t able to join it live, they are recorded to be able to watch when you are able.


The program is absolutely worth it! It gives you a roadmap of how to reclaim your time and get your charts closed."


- Brennan F., MD (Pediatrics)



It starts with unlearning the beliefs medicine has taught you about charting and then intentionally cultivating a curious & compassionate mindset to drive efficiency.


Three Steps to Conquer Charting & Take Back Your Time 

1. Join The Program Today

We will get you onboarded & ready to hit the ground running with immediate access.

Use CME funds and consume on your own schedule.

2. Build a Customized Plan

Develop individualized processes & workflows specific to YOUR situation.

There are solutions no matter your EHR or clinic setup.

3. Enjoy More Free Time

You deserve to nurture a life outside of medicine and do the things you love. 

You've earned it. Your future self will thank you.

Charting Conquered Blueprint:
Get Home With Charts Done


Join now for immediate access

Here's What's Included:


✅ Six modules covering the Charting Conquered system to transform your charting

✅ High-yield training videos in each module that you can consume on your schedule

✅ Worksheet and resources to help you practically apply the content with ease

✅ Bonus content and training videos

✅ Lifetime access* to all content (including updates)
*for as long as the program exists

✅ Available on-demand in a secured, password-protected online portal

Opportunity to add on 1-on-1 and/or group coaching to help you tackle mindset roadblocks that keep you stock

When you join, you get access to everything for one fee. You never have to pay again. 


💥 Join now for a 10% discount

💥 Use your CME funds

💥 Installment plan available

Pay In Full





Pay In Installments


$367/mo x 3

$333/mo x 3


We've Got a Bonus For You


Templates & Scripts


Everything you need to best handle common patient and work scenarios to ensure you're as efficient as possible and always know what to say.


Templates (fill in the blank):

- Introductory/ expectation setting letter (e.g., for new patients)
- Agenda setting slip
- Modular note template example
- Portal message responses (boundary setting)
- Usable ChatGPT prompts to whip up prior auth & lab result notes in no time
- And more!



- Agenda setting
- Handling “Oh by the ways”
- Setting boundaries
- Delegating work to staff
- And many more!


A Value of $147

Absolutely Free



"It has been honestly the best investment I have made in having a fulfilling and sustainable career."


Hear from pediatrician, Dr. Justin Yee, about his experience with Charting Conquered.



Answers To Your Frequently Asked Questions:



More Happy Members


We seriously love celebrating our members' wins and showing others what is possible.


"Other participants that are supportive and in ‘your shoes.'"


"I was terminated from my last job because I could not keep up and complete my notes/tasks in a timely manner.

I love taking care of my patients and working in medicine, but felt like a failure and “loser” for not being able to keep up and perform my job.

It was starting to affect all aspects of my life and I dreaded going to work everyday or receiving work emails for fear I was in trouble again.

A Facebook ad led me to your free training. I was on the fence about joining Charting Conquered because I was worried it would just be lectures with info I have already read.

But after watching your free training I realized this would be different. It also helped to see how down to earth, relatable, and non-judgmental you were to everyone.

I must say the course was very helpful and there are many other participants that are supportive and in “your shoes.”

I feel more confident starting my new job with a plan!"


- Laura A. McGowan, DO (Internal Medicine)

"Truly invaluable opportunity"


"I am so grateful for your course and the continued emails I get following taking your course. It helped boost my confidence in my job, help me understand how much value I bring to my job, and put priorities on me and my family.

You gave me vital tools to get through challenges I had with work/life balance and charting. I even had colleagues ask about how I all of a sudden turned around my note completion time.

Thank you for what you do."


- Ola Mscichowski, MD (Family Medicine)

"It’s more than just a course, it is changing lives!"


"I had tried different strategies on my own and nothing worked. I saw a Facebook ad for Junaid’s free training, which had good content, and I continued to follow his blog before taking the plunge and joining Charting Conquered.

Now I am finishing most of my charts within 24 hours or sooner and my inbox has stayed empty! This NEVER happened before, no matter how hard I tried!

It’s an excellent program with good content, and you can earn CME and use CME funds to cover the cost. It will give you your confidence and life back! I highly recommend the course!

You are helping people tremendously with your course–what amazing work! It’s more than just a course, it is changing lives! Thank you!"


- Anon., MD (Internal Medicine)

"Life changing...never realized medicine could feel so normal!"


"It felt absolutely incredible (and frankly, life changing) to not have the emotional weight of notes to write at the end of a tough day. When you are ready to change things, there's less fear. I knew I had to trust this process to end this cycle. I remain deeply grateful for Junaid and this course.

For example, I finished with my last pt at 4:15pm today (my 3:45 annual was a no show and I took in my 4:15 at 4pm). That included notes, calls, refills, portal messages. I was home at 4:50p, which has never happened before!

I never realized medicine could feel so normal while taking such great care of patients. Thank you!!!!"


- Anon., MD (Internal Medicine)

"My little kids thank you!"


"I used to go through the day, save all charts for the end of the day and go through them/edit with my scribe, tacking on an extra 1-1.5 hours at the end of the day. Then I’d have to sign the notes. But since your course, I end the day with all charts done! How freakingly amazing is that?

I now get to go home and enjoy time with my family, not burdened by my tasks to do or charts waiting for me.
I can’t believe it took me this long to learn this.

Thank you so much! This is a real game changer! My little kids thank you, too (in their drooly kind of way)!"


- Ranee Lleva, MD (Endocrinology)

You Now Have A Choice:


  • Have all your notes finished by the time you're done with your last patient
  • Become a badass at charting
  • Actually complete your work at the end of your work day
  • Go home to your family without unfinished charting looming over you
  • Reignite the joy you once felt for medicine
  • Reclaim your time

...WITHOUT adding more to your plate or compromising your patients' care


( OR )

Continue on the same path and hope that things will get better on their own. 


Your patients, family, and friends all deserve to get the best version of you possible. And so do you.

Make the choice to create the life you want & enjoy it too.



Still On The Fence?


Does this sound too good to be true? I get it.

But hear me out: this is your chance to change your whole outlook on medicine and the trajectory of your career. A chance to take back control of your life. Charting and time spent at work are the two leading causes of burnout and this program addresses both.

Worried that you can’t find the time to dedicate to the program?

That’s sort of the whole point--this program can help you rescue your evenings from work and reclaim more time to do the things you want to do.

Plus, you can access the material at your own pace when convenient for you.

So if not now, when?

You can’t wait to implement the strategies in this program; your career, relationships, and well-being may depend on them!

The investment required giving you pause?

Understandable. But I'll ask you: what is your time worth to you? What is the quality of that time worth to you? Not only will you regain your time outside work, but you'll also enjoy that time without the dread of unfinished work hanging over your head. That alone is invaluable.

Remember, you can use your CME funds to cover the investment.

Plus, completing your charts the same day can mean getting paid sooner. And, since you'll become so adept at charting efficiently, you may choose to see more patients and thus boost your revenue. You will recoup the costs several times over in short order. 

Feeling overwhelmed and not ready to join?

The overwhelm is normal. This program will help you smash this overwhelm first by nurturing a more curious and deliberate mindset, and second by teaching you how to develop the efficient systems you need to get organized to succeed. 

If you're thinking you're still not ready, know that it’s not a matter of how ready or not you think you are. It’s simply a matter of how committed you’re willing to be. So all you have to do is make a single decision: that you're committed to changing the trajectory of your career.

Charting Conquered Blueprint:
Get Home With Charts Done


Join now for immediate access


 Here's What's Included:


✅ Six modules covering the Charting Conquered system to transform your charting

✅ High-yield training videos in each module that you can consume on your schedule

✅ Worksheet and resources to help you practically apply the content with ease

✅ Bonus content and training videos

✅ Lifetime access* to all content (including updates)
*for as long as the program exists

✅ Available on-demand in a secured, password-protected online portal

 Opportunity to add on 1-on-1 and/or group coaching to help you tackle mindset roadblocks that keep you stock

When you join, you get access to everything for one fee. You never have to pay again. 


💥 Join now for a 10% discount

💥 Use your CME funds

💥 Installment plan available

Pay In Full





Pay In Installments


$367/mo x 3

$333/mo x 3



Pay In Full:


Pay In Installments:

Claim your discount & use your CME funds

Take back your time starting NOW









Continuing Medical Education (CME) Information

Charting Conquered Blueprint is eligible for 13 credits of CME/CE

This experience is powered by CMEfy – an AI-powered platform that directs learners along a pathway to capture reflections at the point of inspiration, point of care. Clinicians may earn CME/CE credit via ReflectCE, the accredited activity portal. Learn more at

Download CME Brochure